Trump, Threats to Data, and US Cities
Notes on the struggle to keep the US government from going back on its promises of greater transparency. John Wonderlich writes.
Shorter Work Weeks Will Defeat the Robots
Dean Baker returns to robots and jobs and leisure.
How participatory budgeting can transform community engagement – An interview with Amir Campos
Can the public really have a say in how money is spent in their cities? Amir Campos thinks so in this interview with Diana Krebs.
Harris Fellows to Help Us Shine a Light on What Works in Cities
Can technology help civic decision making? Ed Finkel says yes in this exploration of what works in open data.
A Nonviolent Strategy to Liberate Syria
Robert J. Burrowes considers a solution to the Syrian problem that requires no mourning mothers.
100 Years of the Espionage Act
Priscilla Guo gives a brief history of the United States Espionage Act and how it has routinely been used to repress information.
The Sociology of Abortion Politics, Aussie-Style
Zuleyka Zavallos on abortion.
Turkey’s United Front Against Kurds and Democracy
The political success of the Kurds – the colonized – has intimidated not just the authoritarian AKP and ultranationalist MHP but also the nationalist, secularist, so-called social democratic CHP. Deniz Yonucu reports.
Data Against Corruption: An Interview with Nicolas Kayser-Bril of Journalism++
Diane Krebs interviews Nicolas Kayser-Bril about data journalism and how citizens can use data to keep tabs on government corruption.
The Democrats’ Myth on Deficits
Dean Baker writes about the other partisan mythology about deficit: the balanced budget and Clinton’s surplus.

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