A Tax on Wall Street Trading is the Best Solution to Income Inequality
A way to curb the redistribution of wealth to the 1%? Dean Baker considers.
10+ Years of Activists Silenced: Internet Intermediaries’ Long History of Censorship
People cheering for companies who have censored content in recent weeks may soon find the same tactic used against causes they love. Cindy Cohn writes.
Modern Economists: The Inept Firefighters’ Club
When economists are regularly rewarded for being unimaginative yes men and getting wrong everything important, why should we expect them to improve? Dean Baker writes.
The Federal Reserve Board: The Best Weapon Against Discrimination?
Dean Baker considers how the Federal Reserve can help to fight racism.
The Right Way to be Left
A. E. Elliott considers how to wake up and be a leftist.
The Subversive Power of Joy
The unexpected, spontaneous and pleasantly disruptive nature of collective celebration is one of the great equalizers of social and political struggle. Janey Stephenson writes.
Intellectual Property is Real Money
Why has neither political party in the United States talked about limits on intellectual property? Money. Dean Baker writes.
Our Primary Endorsements for August 1, 2017
The Seattle Star’s endorsements for the August primary.
My Own Private Basic Income
One person’s experience becoming a business owner shows how our economy is based on luck rather than merit and how it rewards people who own stuff rather than people who do stuff. Karl Widerquist writes.
Jenny Durkan: Seattle’s Ultimate Fake Progressive
Apparently, Seattle’s political establishment has anointed yet another Sidranist mayoral candidate. Jeff Stevens opines.

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