Elections and the Egyptian Movement of 2011: Thinking with Alain Badiou About the Current Situation
For French philosopher Alain Badiou, elections pose a more important question for the movement in Egypt beyond the issue of participation.
How the “Fake News” Frenzy Threatens Dissent
The attempt to stifle “fake news” also stifles legitimate voices of protest. Cristina Orsi writes.
Facebook’s Opacity in Seattle Shows Why Self-Regulation on Digital Disclosure Isn’t Enough
The City of Seattle says Facebook is in violation of our campaign finance laws. Here’s an idea to rein in their toxic political ads.
Jeff Bezos’ Quest To Find America’s Stupidest Mayor
Whichever mayor wins the Amazon lottery, the city will lose. Dean Baker writes.
Why Rural America Isn’t a Lost Cause for Progressive Ideas
Too often liberal candidates write off red states. But their policies could find a willing audience there. Ivy Brashear writes.
Democracy Still Hasn’t Caught Up with the Needs of Women — Particularly Young, Working Class, and Black Women
Not all women in the UK got the vote in 1918, nor can vote now. Women – particularly marginalized women – have often found their political strength in extra-parliamentary action.
Republicans Don’t Understand: Tax Cuts Don’t Spur Economic Growth
Contrary to what the President might say, tax cuts for corporations have not led to investment in America, and low taxes have never led to growth. So why continue the ruse? Dean Baker writes.
Beware of “Go Local” Centrists Who Want to Save Your City—For Themselves
Beware of the push to revitalize cities by ignoring the working class. Gar Alperovitz writes.
The Crisis of Western Democracy is a Crisis of Journalism
Without quality journalism, democracies will be low-intensity ones. Reporters Without Borders’ Christophe Deloire proposes a solution.
Tesla, Amazon, and Bitcoin
Dean Baker talks about bubbles, baseless valuations, and the stock market version of vaporware.

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