Making Finance Pay
On getting your government to work for you instead of for lobbyists and politicos. Dean Baker writes.
Syria and the Anti-Imperialism of Idiots
How both the Right and the Left in Western countries agree on at least one thing in Syria: Syrians know nothing about their own country and need other nations to “liberate” them. Leila Al Shami writes.
Wall Street is Trying to Embezzle Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Relief Money
Lara Merling investigates the newfound Wall Street love of Puerto Rico “investment.”
Here’s How Congress Should Respond to Facebook/Cambridge Analytica
Allie Bohm takes the legal route on the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica blow-up.
High CEO Pay: It’s What Friends Are For
CEOs make 200-500 times as much as their workers. Why? Hint: it ain’t because they’re so valuable. Dean Baker reports.
Steel Tariffs and Doctors: A Teachable Moment
Dean Baker takes another tack on tariffs: What if the medical profession was “free trade”?
How They Sold the Iraq War
The war on Iraq was a propaganda war where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us. Blair paid a price for his grandiose puffery. Bush has skated freely through the tempest. Why? Jeffrey St. Clair ponders.
Why Isn’t Mexico’s Government Surveillance Investigation Moving Forward?
Mexico’s #SpyGovernment case dropped like a bomb in 2016, with demands for accountability and transparency. So why haven’t the government done anything about it? Giovanna Salazar reports.
The Continuing Attack on Workers’ Rights: The Janus Case
Dean Baker surveys the latest legal attack on unions and workers’ rights.
Privacy for Whom?
On the subject of how privacy has always been reserved for the non-poor. Sam Adler-Bell reviews two books, Automating Inequality and The Poverty of Privacy Rights.

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