Sanctuary for Black Bodies: Dani Tirrell’s Black Bois at On the Boards
José Amador returns to talk about Dani Tirrell’s BLACK BOIS, an evening length dance program that is having its premiere at On the Boards this weekend.
A Night of Rhythmic Underdogs: Kim Lusk’s A Dance for Dark Horses
All about Kim Lusk and her A Dance for Dark Horses, a new dance having its world premiere Velocity Dance Center,
Of Fight and Fitness: Woody Shticks’ Maniac
A brief preview of the latest from fitness guru Woody Shticks.
Down Through All Eternity, The Crying of Humanity: Crime and Punishment
Omar Willey gets literate with some thoughts on Akropolis Performance Lab’s latest: Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
No Dogs, No Indians
In a world mediated by sound-bites, perhaps the theatre can take us back to what it means to be human. Siddhartha Bose writes.
Can Theater Change Your Mind?
Most people don’t think of media as propaganda, yet confirmation bias is rife. What can be done? Rocky Rodriguez Jr. explores a different possibility for change: the theater.
“It’s Communication, Isn’t It?” Using Theater to Bring People Together
On issues like Brexit there’s never one single answer, one right or wrong view. Toby Ealden believes that dramatizing beliefs can help young people sort out their own views…and maybe old people can, too.
Trans Youth Use Theater to Raise Awareness and Change Policy
In Port Townsend, the stage has become a venue to educate political leaders on transgender issues. Sammi-Jo Lee writes.
All About Abigail, a Preview of Kaitlin McCarthy’s Eight Abigails
Those going to McCarthy’s Eight Abigails this weekend at Velocity Dance Center can expect to feel a sudden awareness of unexpected surroundings, for this reason José Amador fills us in on the artist and how to prepare ourselves for the show.
Paige Barnes on the Beat: #ShanghaiPulse
Omar Willey gives a preview of Paige Barnes’ latest dance+film work at the Northwest Film Forum.

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