Gesamtkunstwerk’s Frozen at boom! Theater: The Case for Raw Theater
José Amador takes in Gesamtkunstwerk’s production of Frozen, which, in turn, provides a much needed argument for theater created out of a desire to create, not merely entertain.
The Idea of the Unknown: An Interview with Northwest New Work’s Vanessa deWolf
José Amador sat down with deWolf to discuss her project for NWNW, Score for an Unrehearsed Ensemble, and define her usage of the word “score”, figure out the first impulses behind her latest project, and compare the act of performative improvisation to following a meatloaf recipe.
The Show Must Go On #8: On With The Show
True-life storytelling, I’ve come to see, is actually terrifying for an introvert writer. It’s what happens when all the trappings, the crutches, and the podiums have been taken away–when the distance between the teller and the listener is no more than a cafe table’s breadth away.
From the publisher
I aim with The Seattle Star to use my pages to help rebuild our community, to use our knowledge and our limited power to bring artists together and to bring people together with artists. So far we have done this quietly, by publishing poetry, drama, radio plays and fiction alongside our essay writing. We will continue to do so, but rest assured we will expand this mission visibly over the next year.
The Show Must Go On #7: A Deep and Generous Listening
You can take a girl out of academia, but you can’t quite take the academia out of the girl. So I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned from this storytelling show process so far. And I know there will be more after the show itself.
Exit Interview: Teri Lazzara, Theater Schmeater’s Managing Director, is heading for the wings
Once referred to as “Fringe’s Patron Saint,” Teri Lazzara has been one of the most enduring (if not endearing) figures in the Seattle Fringe community for longer than even she’d like to admit, lending her acting, producing, directing and management talents to some of its finer moments.
Can One Really Improvise a Mind Meld? Where No Man Has Gone Before Answers Your Questions
Where No Man Has Gone Before is an improvised parody of the original Star Trek TV series. Each night the cast will use suggestions from the audience to create the world and plot of the show. If you saw the last run of this show back in the fall at the Odd Duck Theater on Capitol Hill, you’re in for some changes this time around.
The Show Must Go On #6: The Albatross
After working through issues of structure, I’ve got my first headstand story pared down to several bullet events, made into bullet points, and then the takeaway, or the insight and conclusion. I’ve got my first line, and I like it: ‘Last year, I discovered how NOT to take yoga classes: like a straight-A student.”
Arouet’s The House of Bernarda Alba: Spanish Theater 101
Despite having a sizable Latino population in Seattle, it isn’t often you see theater that originated from Spanish-speaking countries or playwrights. Arouet Productions has mounted one of Federico Garcia Lorca’s most well known plays, and José Amador checked it out; he brings you the details inside.
Cafe Nordo’s Cabinet of Curiosities: Dinner & Atmospherics
Cafe Nordo’s Cabinet of Curiosities has overtaken Capitol Hill’s/Central District’s Washington Hall, serving an enjoyable mix of food and moody atmosphere. José Amador took in the proceedings and found an evening that pleases on many levels.

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