Seattle’s Shame: More Canadians Have Seen Le Frenchword’s Fancy Mud Than Seattleites
It’s a matter of fact: More Canadians have seen Fancy Mud than Seattle citizens. What makes this even more damning is that the Seattle trio have performed their debut production exponentially more times, and in more venues around town during the last couple of years than during their month-long tour of the Canadian Fringe.
The Push Arts New Media Festival: A Recap
On the eve of August 24th, the Push Arts New Media Festival reigned over the South Lake Union neighborhood in a night filled with free art installations, free food and drink, panel discussions, music and live performances–and glow sticks.
The Paradise Theater School in Chimacum, WA: An Ideal and Idyllic Theater Company
Of all the places one would think one would encounter daring, rigorous and experimental theater, it is likely that Port Townsend, the charming Victorian harbor town on the Olympic Peninsula, would not be the first town to come to mind. It would be even more unlikely for anyone to think of Chimacum, WA, a tiny little burg ten miles South of Port Townsend, as anything other than an unassuming hamlet. Yet it is here that one could find The Paradise Theater School, an organization that is perhaps Washington theater’s best kept secret.
Charles at the Ballard Underground: A Cavalcade of (Funny) Talking Noises
So you know that cute,slightly disheveled professor you had a crush on in college? That would be Charles times two. The sketch duo, which derives its name from both of the members’ first names, is that smart, funny hybrid I look for in a man–I mean sketch comedy duo.
Against Complacency: Pratidhwani’s Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged) Bridges a Gap
The death of most Shakespearean productions is complacency. The director “knows” what the play is about. The actors “know” how Shakespeare sounds. The audience “knows” what to expect. But what if they don’t? What if none of this is true? What if everyone involved has to discover a play for the first time?
Kittens in a Cage at Annex Theatre
We’ll get to the vagina jokes, the lesbian obsessions, the greaser language, and the revealing costumes. These elements of Kelleen Conway Blanchard’s Kittens in a Cage, while varyingly successful in flagging attention, are not the soul of the play.
RAW Seattle Presents Radiate : Showcasing Local Artists
This is not your run-of-the-mill art show folks. RAW events are multi-faceted artistic showcases featuring visual art, film, fashion, music, hair & makeup artistry, photography, models and performance.
Yes, It’s 14/48 Once Again; No, It’s Not Old Hat (Never Is)
Going into Thursday’s general meet-and-greet, none of the 50 invited artists will know whether they will be acting, writing, directing, designing or singing for the weekend. In other words, this weekend will truly be an artistic free-for-all. It will be glorious.
Theater Schmeater’s Parallel Lives: Two Great Performers and…
The Kathy & Mo Show: Parallel Lives, currently being produced by Theater Scmeater, was written by Kathy Najimy and Mo Gaffney back in 1989, which makes the play old enough to be considered a chestnut. This presents an insurmountable hurdle in providing anything but an empty frivolity.
The Working Artist: Paige Barnes – The Artist
Part 3 of The Working Artist series featuring dancer Paige Barnes. Wherein Omar Willey discusses the role of the artist in society with bits of poetry.

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