The Rest is Dullness: Hamlet at Ghost Light Theatricals
Audiences are entitled to play that has been interpreted. Having gone just so far with her “big choice,” Ms. Raas-Berquist fails to go any farther. But a choice is not an interpretation. An interpretation requires that an idea be pursued. Gender-swapping Hamlet is not an idea; it is merely a conceit.
Catherine Cabeen Fires Away
Fire! is a beautiful piece that is complete within its limitation, but I am not sure the limitation is final. I am not sure Ms. Cabeen is done with Niki de Saint Phalle–or perhaps that Niki de Saint Phalle is not done with Ms. Cabeen.
The Finest Work Songs: Jürg Koch and Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring
In the middle of an intense and challenging tech week, Koch was kind enough to provide some insights on collaboration in dance, choreography, and his version of Rite of Spring, which promises to be exciting on a number of levels.
The Gypsy Awards, 2013 Edition
Seattle Theater Writers announced their slate of nominees for the second annual Gypsy Rose Lee Awards today.
Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Part 2
Some things deserve further consideration–perhaps better consideration than mine. Writing about them after the fact may allow someone to set the record straight on things unjustly neglected or inaccurately appraised. Here is another handful of things I did not write about in 2012.
Reclaiming Elitism
Thoughtful communities should always value judgment over opinion. Popularity is not a judgment and should never concern anyone thinking about what is beautiful. Push come to shove, I will always encourage what is beautiful over what is popular.
Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Part 1
As publisher, for the most part I have been happy with our evolving aesthetic and our presentation. As a writer, however, certain things have resisted publication not by design but by oversight or simply through lack of time. While everyone else in the world is assembling fairly meaningless lists about the past year, I figured this would be a good time for a redress.
Loss Machine and the Magic of the Banal
Here, as the magician clearly shows his tricks, the purpose is to prevent the audience from simply falling in love with effects by making the audience pay attention to their cumulative structure. Not “How’d he do that?” but rather, “What will he do next?”
Verbalists Audio: November Reading
Audio recording of the Verbalists storytelling group, recorded live 10 November, 2012.
Back Again…Again: An Interview with The Habit
The Star’s Kelly Dermody recently interviewed The Habit’s Luke Thayer, Jeff Schell and Mark Siano and talked about their creation process, the group’s temporary sojourn to Los Angeles, and what their future is going to look like.

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