Sound Theater’s The Wild Party
As director Corey McDaniel notes in his introduction, Joseph MoncureMarch’s poem The Wild Party was originally banned for its “exploration of pleasure, sex, decadence, violence, race, prohibition and all that pushed the boundaries of society.” The Sound Theater Company production of the musical based on this work does not shy away from most of it.
Burlesco DiVino: Wine in Rome opens The Triple Door tonight
Lily Verlaine and Jasper McCann together have produced some of the most interesting burlesque shows in Seattle over the past few years, from Land Of The Sweets: The Burlesque Nutcracker to the recent Nightcap. Their latest concoction, Burlesco Divino:Wine in Rome, is a tribute to the power of Bacchus–and burlesque.
Theater Schmeater’s Game Show
A typical summer offering from Theater Schmeater’s latter end of its production run. What’s notable about this one, a game show wedded to a hoary showbiz story, is that it will be the final production presented in the former parking-lot-turned-theater.
Manos: The Hands of Fate, Part Deux
In Manos: Part Un, Andrew Hamlin gave us some context for SIFF’s screening of Manos: The Hands of Fate, and interviewed one of the stars of the movie. In Part Deux, he interviews two more artists involved in the remaking/representing of Manos: The Hands of Fate.
Manos: The Hands of Fate
Manos: The Hands Of Fate, produced, directed, written by and starring Harold P. “Hal” Warren, is the worst film in the history of…
Celebrating Seattle: Rendezvous at the Rendezvous
Kymberlee della Luce points a spotlight at the Rendezvous and its jewelled box within.
Let’s Hear It For The Boylesque: Teatro ZinZanni gives it up for the guys
This weekend before the Seattle PrideFest across the street, the famed Teatro ZinZanni have announced their first-ever, all-male late night cabaret revue.
Celebrations: 79 Minutes with LaRae Lobdell of Photo Sister
LaRae Lobdell is one of the hidden geniuses of the Seattle arts community. The Star interviews Ms. Lobdell about her upcoming Celebration exhibit at ACT Theatre this June 20th.
TZ’s Lucky in Love: Glitz and Spectacle à la ZinZanni
Tom Mohrman goes under the tent for Teatro ZinZanni’s new show.
A brief chat with burlesque’s Lada Redstar
Omar Willey talks with 2013 Burlesque Hall of Fame winner, Lada Redstar.

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