Yelp and Yellowface: Nikkei Protests and The Mikado in 2014
Tamiko Nimura violates some terms of service in this piece about the latest Mikado kerfuffle, courtesy of the dolts at the Seattle G&S Society.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 18, 2014
This weekend brings a show business farce, a political solo show, and music for your dining pleasure among the usual mix of improv, comedy and theater.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 11, 2014
With temperatures already reaching the upper 80’s
in early July, we have every indication that the proverbial dog days of Summer will be a lengthy period this year. There won’t be a shortage of entertainment options, however, and this weekend provides Shakespeare galore, Serge Gainsbourg inspired dance, improv based on the mob genre and more. José Amador leads you through it all
This Week in Performance: Week of June 25, 2014
Summer has broken, as Yusuf Islam might have it, and José Amador guides you through the week’s entertainment options.
State of the Story
Wes K. Andrews surveys the scene of Seattle storytelling.
A Small Fire
Pam Carter pens her thoughts on Sound Theatre’s production of Adam Bock’s A Small Fire.
Tewaz Rising
There is darkness and silence. Then light, in waves, rippling through the ether. Three angels hover over the void. The light seems to reach upward, to form into tendrils that reach toward the watchers and draw them down. The whole mood is one of suspense, mystery, awe.
Preview: TEWAZ at Cornish Playhouse
With Part 1, Tewaz, opening this Friday, we go deeper into The Cabiri’s magnum opus, The Tea Trilogy. Bonus: more pictures.
Backstage on the Cabiri’s new show, Tewaz
Joe Iano and Omar Willey team up to take you backstage as The Cabiri prepare the most ambitious show in the history of Seattle’s aerial arts.
Don Juan in Chicago: Mortadell’arte
A quick review of the Arouet production.

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