Finding Noelle: An Ode to Marlin
Omar Willey visits the Pocket Theater for Price Arts’ latest dance and finds it not so weird at all.
Motion From Emotion: Karin Stevens Dance’s re(MOVE) : re(TURN)
Omar Willey considers the Chinese Wu Xing and the dance of Karin Stevens in his latest review.
Chop Shop: Narrowing the Field
Omar Willey braves the I-90 traffic to visit Bellevue and bring back a report on the latest dance showcase.
Repsorp dna gnol evil: Unfixed Arias
Omar Willey enjoys himself at the latest Coriolis programme.
Splurge Land: Hollow Excess
Omar Willey regales you with his evening in Kate Wallich’s Splurge Land.
Future Present: DASS Dance’s Lights Camera ACTION
Some thoughts about DASS Dance’s Lights Camera ACTION.
The Tao of Amy O’Neal: Opposing Forces
A rumination on Amy O’Neal’s dance at On the Boards.
Internal and External: modus operandi‘s modi operandi
An evening of two contrasting halves and two contrasting choreographers, yet all on similar themes. Omar Willey writes.
Karin Stevens + Samantha Boshnack = Mystery
The interplay of jazz and dance breeds
Bacchanal Burlesque: Burlesco DiVino
Some thoughts about Lily Verlaine and Jasper McCann’s strain of neo-burlesque, recently espied at The Triple Door.

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