Sunday Comics
“Maybe just a ghost,” you say and forget about it. I stopped talking, then the Sunday Comics are talking to my nail stinging. I can snatch out; so cold, lost parts they are stinging me so cold.
A Serious Business
What can a good joke do? Mary O’Hara meets the performers and researchers who say that comedy can change how we think and even how we act.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 25, 2014
The summertime productions do not stop rolling in, despite all of the recent controversy surrounding local productions, in particular, the Dance scene comes on strong this week after a seemingly quiet interlude. José Amador leads you through the numerous offerings.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 11, 2014
With temperatures already reaching the upper 80’s
in early July, we have every indication that the proverbial dog days of Summer will be a lengthy period this year. There won’t be a shortage of entertainment options, however, and this weekend provides Shakespeare galore, Serge Gainsbourg inspired dance, improv based on the mob genre and more. José Amador leads you through it all
This Week in Performance: Week of May 29, 2014
José Amador rounds up the stage happenings for the week.
Charles’ Moby Alpha: A Clever Showcase of Sharp Wits
It seems foolhardy to try to critique sketch comedy — either something is funny to a person or it isn’t, one should simply…
Comedy In Your Pocket
Kelly Dermody empties her pockets and finds a comedy group, The Pocket Theater.
Punchline Comedy Doubles Its Comedy
Tom Mohrman talks with the minds behind Punchline Comedy and their latest ambitions.
The Seattle Festival of Improv Theater Hits Town
A dry-humored preview of the 11th Seattle Festival of Improv Theater.
Ubiquitous They’s Half Time at the Seattle Creative Arts Center
Our own Kelly Dermody lasted a whole three weeks before breaking her New Year’s resolution…

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