An Open Letter to KIRO News 7 Reporter Henry Rosoff
An open letter about the “most dangerous block in Seattle.” Or, call it privilege.
HiveBio: Seattle joins the DIY biotech movement
DIYbio lives! HiveBio opens tonight in Seattle, correcting a long ignorance of biomaker space in Seattle.
From the Publisher: A New Look for The Seattle Star and a New Phase
A new look for The Seattle Star, and a reaffirmation of our commitment to a pay-what-you-will system for the magazine.
Reclaiming Elitism
Thoughtful communities should always value judgment over opinion. Popularity is not a judgment and should never concern anyone thinking about what is beautiful. Push come to shove, I will always encourage what is beautiful over what is popular.
Seattle: Meet Artsyo
A self-proclaimed “OKCupid for art,” Artsyo is a brand spankin’ new online search engine that pairs users with local art and artists. Enter their “Pimp My Wall” contest by November 29th for a chance to overhaul your wall with a new original artwork on Artsyo’s dime.
Observations On Occupy Wall Street’s One Year Anniversary
When Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai was asked for his assessment of the French Revolution of 1789, he famously responded “it is too soon to tell.” American political commentators examining the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street have not been so circumspect, but then again, few in the media had any grasp of the movement to begin with.
How Theatre Puget Sound’s Proposal Failed
The Theatre Puget Sound proposal to assume management of the recently-vacated Seattle Center Playhouse simply did not measure up to the Cornish proposal. A look at why it did not succeed might be helpful for anyone who poses a future such venture with another similar space in the future.
Musopen Sets Music Free
The Musopen project is complete. The orchestra have finally completed their recording process and have released a full DVD of classical delights into the public domain, free of charge. The list of recordings is phenomenal for any music lover, even one who only casually likes classical music or one who is simply eager to learn.
Why Ichiro’s Departure Makes This Nikkei Girl Sad
Ichiro’s image was linked in my mind with my father, my cousins and uncles, the members of my Japanese American family who love baseball. Ichiro is Japanese, not Japanese American, but seeing him at the plate reminded me of those Ansel Adams pictures, taken of Japanese American players during World War II, behind barbed wire. Ichiro was a Japanese man, succeeding wildly at an all-American pastime.
The Seattle Community Network Revives Their Commitment to the Future
It’s 1993. Unless you are locked regularly in the basements of university computer science departments, you have never heard of the World Wide Web. If you have a computer at all, your computer runs at a maximum of 100 mHz and may have 4MB of memory, unless you can spare an extra thousand dollars in which case you may have 8MB–if your computer can actually accept it, since upgrades are impossible in many models.

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