Real Estate Developers Declare War on Seattle
Real estate developers held a press conference in Seattle today to provide the public with information regarding their new campaign entitled, “Tear It All Down!”
Starbucks Barista Stops Traffic for Hours Discussing Race
The main difficulty of discussing race in Seattle: it stops traffic. Pam Carter reports.
Tell All Book Explains Dori Monson’s Mental Breakdown
Is Dori Monson really an alien from outer space? Or is he just a dope fiend? Mark Taylor-Canfield hits the investigative trail and finds a new tell-all book.
Race War Breaks Out in Ballard
Seattle was flummoxed yesterday when Ballard, once a celebratedly mellow Scandinavian-American enclave, suddenly and swiftly succumbed to a savage and bloody internecine race war. Jeff Stevens reports.
Ice Hockey Talk Heats Up in Seattle
R.V. Murphy considers the recent buzz about hockey in Seattle.
Fines Remain Rare Even As Health Data Breaches Multiply
Federal health watchdogs say they are cracking down on organizations that don’t protect the privacy and security of patient records, but data suggests otherwise. ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein reports.
Opposition Mounts to Trans-Pacific Partnership “Fast Track”
Congress is expected to fast track the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other trade proposals as soon as next week. Deirdre Fulton reports.
President Obama urges Congress to pass a joint resolution authorizing the use of force against ISIL
President Obama uses his State of the Union address to urge military action against ISIL. But there are problems.
The FBI Expands Its Surveillance Powers
The FBI is using controversial FISA amendments and information collected by the NSA to expand its surveillance powers, a DOJ report found. Nadia Prupis reports.

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