Big Bank “Crime of the Century” Results in–Guess What? No Jail Time for Anyone
Despite severity of offenses, ‘the government concluded that these crimes should be punished only through a financial penalty,’ says Public Citizen
Seattle Activists Rally Against Plan Fueling “Pathological Addiction to Fossil Fuels”
‘The last thing we need is more extraction, production, drilling and burning of fossil fuels. It is enough. We are drawing the line today.’—Annie Leonard, Greenpeace USA
Another Startling Verdict for Forensic Science
A recent study on the reliability of hair analysis is only latest to shake public confidence. Ryan Gabrielson reports.
Upon Further Review: Inside the Police Failure to Stop Darren Sharper’s Rape Spree
Police failed to stop Darren Sharper’s rape spree–but they could have.
You Might Be a Terrorist If…: Leaked Document Reveals Secret TSA Check List
Jon Queally reports on the TSA’s effete SPOT program from a document leaked last week.
Feds Put Forth New Payday Loan Rules: Let the Games Begin
New rules put forward by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would have a major impact on the high-cost loan industry. But if history is any guide, lenders will quickly find some loopholes.
Seattle Star Publisher Outed as African American
Turns out seeing is actually believing. Revealed: the actual race of the Seattle Star’s publisher.
Starbucks & Amazon drone fleets crash into Big Bertha, create Skynet, Humanity DOOMED!!
Skynet born in Seattle’s tech collision.
Crop Circle Found in Oregon; Republicans Blame Cylvia Hayes
A Firefox crop circle appears in Oregon. Is it a Jihadist takeover?
Starbucks Tests Drone Fleet Deliveries
Starbucks tries out their latest advance: drone deliveries. Sam Luis Obispo reports.

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