The Ghastly Impermanence: Autumn Horrors
As my colleague Fred Greenhalgh at Radio Drama Revival notes, “October is huge in audio drama.” Why? Halloween, of course. Halloween means horror stories. Radio drama has a long and rich tradition of horror tales. Here is a beginner’s guide to some favorites.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Poets and the Poetry of Radio Drama
It makes perfect sense that a culture whose most powerful public mass medium was radio should value the spoken word highly. Poets themselves were well aware of this quality of radio. It would take awhile, however, before poets began to write especially for the medium itself.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Exploring Radio Drama
A new regular column by Omar Willey dealing with broadcast and audio drama in all its aspects.
The Obstacle of Technique
Two great obstacles to a wider appreciation of audio drama face new listeners at every turn. The first is the lack of a real critical history. The greater obstacle, however, is not what has not been written but rather what has.
Radio Drama: Beyond Nostalgia and Nerddom
Just as everything bad about Hollywood was bad about Broadway before it, everything bad about television was bad about radio. Virtually every generic trope of television stems from American broadcast having its roots in radio. But where television has run these genres into the ground, it has at least attempted variations on the themes. By comparison, contemporary audio drama is positively hidebound.
Canapes and Cherryhs with Sable: Seattle’s Sable Jak Talks About Her Upcoming Foreigner Audio Drama Series
Omar Willey sits down with Sable Jak to discuss her upcoming audio drama series based on the Foreigner novels of C.J. Cherryh.
Author C.J. Cherryh Brings Her Foreigner Series to Audio, with Sable Jak at the Helm
Audio Cinema Entertainment has obtained the rights to produce a full-cast audio version of the first three books of Hugo Award-winning author C.J. Cherryh’s science fiction series, Foreigner Universe. And they have chosen Seattle.
Enchanted: Sitting Down with Writer Sable Jak
Seattle has always been a radio city. It should surprise no one that Seattle still remains a vital home for audio drama and dramatists like Sable Jak, winner of the 2012 Moondance prize for Best Radio Drama Script for her story, The Enchantress.
The Minister of Chance: Serial Telling
Those who know me also know I crusade regularly against bad science fiction in popular culture. They also know that I am not a Doctor Who fan by any stretch of the imagination. Probably, then, there will be some surprise in the ranks that I have only glowing things to say about the new audio drama, The Minister of Chance.
Sandbox Radio IV: The Chase
With its delicate balance of music, pathos and humor Sandbox Radio’s director Leslie Law does much to honor radio programming of the past kept familiar by the likes of Prairie Home Companion, but this project brings to its audience so much more. Sandbox Radio pulls nary a punch and for many answers the question of what, precisely, audio theater will sound like in the future?

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