If You Came at Night Like A Broken King
Robert Lashley watches Black Panther and comes out thinking.
Foreign Intrigue
Mark Taylor-Canfield goes noir with some thoughts on the Robert Mitchum classic.
Mark Taylor-Canfield goes into the mines for this review of the alternately interesting, messy and disturbing film, Gold.
Mark Taylor-Canfield watches Copperhead and tells us stuff.
The Jungle Book
Mark Taylor-Canfield returns to Technicolor in this review of the United Artists classic from 1942.
State of Play
Mark Taylor-Canfield gives you his thoughts on the latest political thriller by Kevin MacDonald with Russell Crowe.
The Amazing Nina Simone (dir. Jeff L. Lieberman)
Andrew Hamlin gives us his impressions and remembrances of Nina Simone, while under the influence of the new documentary playing at the Sundance Cinemas.
Ten Thousand Saints (dir. Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini; 2015)
Andrew Hamlin on TEN THOUSAND SAINTS, playing now at Sundance Cinemas.
Being Evel (dir. Daniel Junge, 2015)
The new Hollywood documentary about the infamous daredevil who dominated American culture through the 70s makes Andrew Hamlin reflect on the man and myth.
The Multi-Generational Teeter-Totter of Love
Lola Peters interviews Ian MacKenzie about his experience within the Tamera Healing Biotope.

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