The former Sonics mascot’s true plans over the past few years have come to awful fruition.
Sir-Mix-A-Lot’s Secret Passion
Local reporters and music fans were shocked when an anonymous whistle blower in the music business revealed that Sir Mix-A-Lot has had a lifelong secret obsession with Gertrude from the J.P. Patches Show.
Frank Colacurcio reviews Rick Anderson’s Seattle Vice
Back from the dead and ready to party, the Frank Colacurio-approved book by Rick Anderson gets its day to bleach in the window sunlight.
Axis of Weasels Seize West Seattle and Shoreline
Carlson & Beck form Axis of Weasels, seize West Seattle & Shoreline! Vashon & Lake Forest park invaded! Carlson sez, “We need lebensraum!” Beck sez “Ethnic cleansing is for everybody!”
Zoe|Juniper’s BeginAgain: The Chain
Everything we have to say about zoe|juniper, and less.
36 Most Condescending Things to Ask a South Asian American
Offend all your South Asian acquaintances with this helpful list
Seattle Times Prints Rare Anti-Boeing Op/Ed
The Blethens dispose of Tony Ridder for just long enough to let their true feelings about Boeing be known.
Seattle Star’s Youth Movement Begins
We fired everyone over 40, including ourselves, so that we could bring you the newer, youthier, Seattle-r Star.
Gidion’s Knot: It’s A Blast!
Look, your kid is a brat, okay? I don’t care who you are, if you’ve got something you can call an offspring, I can guarantee you that he’s a spoiled brat that you let get away with murder.
Pain Pain Pain
Jeff Stevens by way of Screamin’ Jay Bashō crafts a fine poem about real pain with a capital ain.
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