Entrusted to the Wind
A lesson in letting things be. Fiction by Lhashamgyal.
Kick Me Again
Love through martial arts. Fiction from Bertel King.
A Sideways Glance
And now for something completely different. Some young adult fiction by Amanda Lawrence Auverigne, in which two friends ask: is it love, or just low blood sugar?
Once a Bird Going East Met a Bird Going West
Poetry by James Hutchings.
Haiku 46
In his 46th renga, Andrew Hamlin’s subconscious wanders and collects impressions as he contemplates knowing.
The Day Google Became Evil leads to altogether too real absurdities. Fiction by Cory Doctorow.
A Reassuring Monologue from the Creepy Guy On the Bus Delivered to a Girl Who Never Takes Her Ear Buds Off
Fiction by Pete Nicely — OR IS IT?
Put Your Glass Down
We return to parables this Wednesday. Rajeev Wadhwa tells you why you should take a break from your troubles.

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