The Lonesome Afterlife of Robert Hayden
Robert Lashley digs into the sordid side of internecine race politics in American poetry.
The Russians Are Hacking My Poems!
Poetry by Gary Corseri that may or may not strike one as satire…
Full Stack JS App
A Shakespearean sonnet by Ray Nicholus.
Sonnet for Second Glances
Poetry by Benjamin Campbell.
Poor Little Knife Child
New fiction from Jeremy Kellerman always makes for a nutritious breakfast.
For Leonard
Max Reif’s poetic tribute to the bard of songwriting.
How Do We “Package” Peace? Can We Make It Palatable? A Review of Peace Plays
Can peace come off the shelf? Gary Corseri reviews Peace Plays by Johan Galtung, Vitahl Rajan, and S. P. Udayakumar.

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