Dog Jokes
Pam Carter returns to canine imperatives, humor being the spice of a dog’s life.
Thoughts Upon A Foggy Night
Inspired by the recent weather phenomenon, we revisit an old essay.
House of Colors
Roy and Melissa stood in the entryway. The large room to their left and the small one to their right were both empty. A naked staircase ascended before them toward more blank, sky blue rooms. Every wall in the house was sky blue.
Reclaiming Elitism
Thoughtful communities should always value judgment over opinion. Popularity is not a judgment and should never concern anyone thinking about what is beautiful. Push come to shove, I will always encourage what is beautiful over what is popular.
Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Part 1
As publisher, for the most part I have been happy with our evolving aesthetic and our presentation. As a writer, however, certain things have resisted publication not by design but by oversight or simply through lack of time. While everyone else in the world is assembling fairly meaningless lists about the past year, I figured this would be a good time for a redress.
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