The Day Google Became Evil leads to altogether too real absurdities. Fiction by Cory Doctorow.
A Reassuring Monologue from the Creepy Guy On the Bus Delivered to a Girl Who Never Takes Her Ear Buds Off
Fiction by Pete Nicely — OR IS IT?
Magical Indifference
The last day on earth can be really dull. Fiction by Gabe Wollenburg.
Sometimes the hunter is actually the prey. Fiction from Wil Wheaton.
Tandem fiction from Natasha Mishchenko and Aglika Darakchieva.
“So Let’s Have The Story,” The Baghdad Reporter Asked Impatiently
What becomes a freethinking woman most? Fiction by Anne Hart.
Reverie in White (A Tale)
A trip into the darkness of winter, courtesy of Damien Tavis Toman.

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