“You Showed Us What Hope Looked Like”
Hope is a scarce commodity behind bars, but a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor and 25 life-sentence-serving inmates are trying to regrow it.
Microagression Girly Style
Lisa Alvarado talks about how makeup is a foundation for a lot of other assumptions.
How We Can Turn Around the Heroin Crisis
What is to be done about the heroin crisis? Adrienne Erin considers some ways to stem the rising tide.
5 Stubborn Myths About Organ Donation
Organ donation gives life to someone who may otherwise not have a chance. Adrienne Erin tells you how, and why.
The View from Nathan’s Bus: Back on the 7; Late Night, 11pm – 2am
Nathan Vass continues his series of three posts detailing the same night driving the Metro Route No. 7 and exploring humanity.
The View from Nathan’s Bus: Back on the 7, 9pm-11pm
Nathan Vass’ remembrance of one particularly enjoyable shift continues.
The View from Nathan’s Bus: Back on the 7, 6pm-9pm
Seattle’s favorite Metro driver returns with the next piece in his recollection of one particular evening shift.
The View from Nathan’s Bus: Michael Jackson
Nathan Vass returns to grace the pages of the Star with a four-part series detailing one last shift on the 7. Part 1: An introduction.
Connecting The #FeelTheBern Crowd With #BlackLivesMatter Supporters, If That’s Your Thing
José Amador spent the weekend engaging both sides off the Sanders/#BlackLivesMatter scuffle and came away with numerous observations.
The View from Nathan’s Bus: The Last Day I Drove the 358, Part II
Nathan Vass returns to dispel more clichés about the so-called “dangertainment” route, the 358.

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