October 11, 1972: El Nacimiento del Centro de la Raza
¡Viva Roberto Maestas!
October 4, 1971: Beacon Hill, Before Amazon
Jeff Bezos loves our sweetheart deal machine.
Interleavings: Serendipity and the Auto/Biographical Process
Biographical and autobiographical writing entwine. Why did I choose to write about a woman I never met and had no ties to—except for my interest in Jewish women’s history and the field of Psychoanalysis? Immediately the writer’s self is injected into the story. Sometimes Dr. Buxbaum turns up in my dreams, and in the morning I have to sort out the dream so it won’t get mixed up with biography.
September 22, 1965: You Beatniks Get Off My Ave
What would The Ave be without its authentic desolation angels?
September 9, 1967: “Hippie Hill” Prevails
Jeff Stevens tells the tale of Seattle’s Hippie Hill, our city’s countercultural counterpart to San Francisco’s erstwhile icon.
August 27, 1977: Equal Rights Already!
On the date in focus here, Seattle second-wave feminists held a downtown march and rally in support of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. Jeff Stevens histories you liberationally.
August 7, 1936: Zioncheck for President
Seattle is full of stories of What Could Have Been. Among these is the story of Marion Zioncheck, at once one of Seattle’s greatest rabble-rousers and one of our most tragic historical figures.

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