Policing the Public Schools: How Schools Are Becoming Even More Like Prisons
Every schoolchild knows that school is a commuted sentence. Kerry McDonald on just how real the metaphor is.
How School Districts Weaponize Child Protection Services Against Uncooperative Parents
Parents are increasingly required to conform to a school’s demands even if they believe such orders may not be appropriate for their child. Kerry McDonald writes.
Ending the Secrecy of the Student Debt Crisis
Fear of ostracism has left borrowers alienated and trapped in a lending system that is engulfing them in debt bondage. Daniela Senderowicz writes.
For Many College Students, Hunger Can “Make It Hard To Focus In Class”
For many college students, hunger is a very real problem. Michelle Andrews writes.
Could College Textbooks Soon Get Cheaper?
Technology — and a lesson from the Middle Ages — may help reduce the price of college textbooks. Jenny Adams and Michael Ash report.
Academic Publishing is Broken
Our favorite paleontologist, Jon Tennant, offers a way to fix the antiquated system of scholarly publishing.
How Students Get Banished to Alternative Schools
In this era of so-called “ school choice,” a pattern has emerged: Students don’t choose their alternative schools. They’re sentenced to them. Heather Vogell reports.
Satanic Temple puts up anti-paddling billboard in Springtown
The Satanic Temple put up a billboard in Springtown this week opposing the paddling of students, an issue that caused a controversy several years ago in the small town northwest of Fort Worth, TX.
Redefining Open: MOOCs and Online Courseware in the Age of Creative Commons and Wikipedia
Intelligent Television’s Peter B. Kaufman considers the benefits of redefining open courseware to expand the reach of the commons.
What’s the Point of Education?
Paul Tritschler wonders why bother with education when there is no interest in freedom.
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