Paul Berger: Multiplex
A short piece on Paul Berger’s upcoming book, Multiplex.
Cento for John Ashbery
A tribute to John Ashbery. Poetry by Omar Willey.
Paige Barnes on the Beat: #ShanghaiPulse
Omar Willey gives a preview of Paige Barnes’ latest dance+film work at the Northwest Film Forum.
Encounters with Anonymous: Colour My World
The return: Omar Willey resumes his column on anonymous photography with a digression into the land of color.
Thoughts on the SeaGL (Seattle GNU/Linux) Conference, Day 1
Our publisher goes to the fifth annual Seattle GNU/Linux Conference and makes some notes.
Lifting the Veil: The Cabiri’s Beyond the Veil: Ghost Game XI
Omar Willey previews The Cabiri’s latest Halloween show.
Encounters with Anonymous: True to Life
Seeing the past, in stereo. Omar Willey’s latest musings on anonymous photographs.
Encounters with Anonymous: News
More thoughts on the poetics of the quotidian in anonymous photographs by Omar Willey.
Encounters with Anonymous: Stock Photography
Thoughts on sequences, conceptual art, and mugging for the camera by Omar Willey.
Encounters with Anonymous: Needful Things
More photographic musings from Omar Willey.

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