Netlabel Day 2018
Omar Willey reminds you all to participate in Netlabel Day 2018 and download hundreds of music releases from around the world — for free.
The Past Sure is Tense: Don’t Call it a Riot!
Concerning Amontaine Aurore’s latest show at 18th & Union.
Theater and Imagology: Crewmates
Of radio, film and theater, and when to decide. Omar Willey’s latest thoughts on theater via review of Sameer Arshad’s Crewmates.
Hamlet in Motion
Omar Willey opines on The Horse in Motion production of Hamlet.
In Memoriam Peggy Platt
A short memorial for Seattle’s queen of comedy, by Omar Willey.
Of Fight and Fitness: Woody Shticks’ Maniac
A brief preview of the latest from fitness guru Woody Shticks.
Down Through All Eternity, The Crying of Humanity: Crime and Punishment
Omar Willey gets literate with some thoughts on Akropolis Performance Lab’s latest: Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
From the Publisher: If Six Turned Out to be Nine
Our publisher muses over six years of running Seattle’s finest commons-based journal.
Merry Christmas
Happy Christmas to all of you, from all of us at The Seattle Star.
Encounters with Anonymous: Occupy
The latest on anonymous photographs from The Star’s publisher.

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