Crave More and the In-Between
Whim W’him’s Crave More is a program of four dances with quite different thematic approaches. Overall the program is strong, but I have some reservations.
Free Radicals: A Personal Avant-Garde
I went into Pip Chodorov’s Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film with reserved judgment. What I found while watching the film was that it is a film of incredibly narrow range.
The 2012 Gypsy Awards Announce Their Winning Contestants
Another day, another award ceremony. The Seattle Theater Writers Critics’ Circle reveal their winners’ slate for the second annual Gypsy Rose Lee Awards.
The Rest is Dullness: Hamlet at Ghost Light Theatricals
Audiences are entitled to play that has been interpreted. Having gone just so far with her “big choice,” Ms. Raas-Berquist fails to go any farther. But a choice is not an interpretation. An interpretation requires that an idea be pursued. Gender-swapping Hamlet is not an idea; it is merely a conceit.
Catherine Cabeen Fires Away
Fire! is a beautiful piece that is complete within its limitation, but I am not sure the limitation is final. I am not sure Ms. Cabeen is done with Niki de Saint Phalle–or perhaps that Niki de Saint Phalle is not done with Ms. Cabeen.
A.D. Coleman’s Light Readings: Criticism as an Ethical Practice
I believe critics have an ethical duty not merely to their readers but also to the art itself. It is their sworn duty to illuminate rather than obfuscate. It is also their sworn duty to protect their art from political and social chicanery. That I believe any of this stems largely from my intellectual encounters with A.D. Coleman over the years.
The Gypsy Awards, 2013 Edition
Seattle Theater Writers announced their slate of nominees for the second annual Gypsy Rose Lee Awards today.
The Ghastly Impermanence: The 2013 BBC Audio Drama Awards
I wrote about the BBC Audio Drama Awards last year but without much criticism. This year’s shortlist makes me a bit more critical.
Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Part 2
Some things deserve further consideration–perhaps better consideration than mine. Writing about them after the fact may allow someone to set the record straight on things unjustly neglected or inaccurately appraised. Here is another handful of things I did not write about in 2012.

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