Chorus and Dance at Meany Theater
Some thoughts on the relationship between choral music and modern dance.
Denizens and Citizens
The publisher makes some notes on local civics.
Opening Up the Star
Starting today, we begin to “open” up the Star with a new series of Open Knowledge texts.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Guided By Voices — A New Listener’s Guide to Audio Drama, Part 5
In this episode of the New Listener’s Guide: radio drama speaks in cliches and so can you.
Shifting Incentives: An Interview with Robert Douglass of the Open Goldberg Variations Project
An interview with Robert Douglass about his Open Well Tempered Clavier project.
Shrinking World Music
Omar Willey watches his world shrink through music, and his world music shrinking.
In Pursuit of the Pursuing: The Cabiri bring their Ghost Game back to its origins
The Cabiri return to the roots of their wintry Ghost Game series, with brilliant results.

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