Weekly E-Book: The Future of Copyright
Our weekly EPUB release, The Future of Copyright, shows a lighter tone than our previous releases.
Celebrating Seattle: The Evergreen-Washelli Memorial Park
Perhaps the most legendary cemetery in Seattle is rich with local history. Omar Willey writes.
At the Henry: The Photographs of Ray K. Metzker
The second part of an appreciation of Ray K. Metzker’s work. This time: you, gentle reader, visit the Henry Gallery and experience it for yourself.
Free as in Freedom 2.0: A Biography of Richard M. Stallman
The Star offers another classic EPUB for readers, this time a (revised) biography of Richard M. Stallman.
The Clay Duke: Theme and Variations
Thoughts about Dayna Hanson’s latest theatrical dance piece at On the Boards.
The Earthly Delights of Ray K. Metzker
A look back at Ray K. Metzker’s work. Part 1 of 2.
The Cathedral and the Bazaar
Lessons from Linux.
The Ghastly Impermanence – Interlude
An apology for the delay.
Philippe Aigrain’s Sharing: Toward a Sustainable Internet
Philippe Aigrain’s book Sharing lays out a case for a more equitable Internet.

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