This Week in Performance: Week of February 20, 2014
José on the performing arts beat.
Seattle Women in Jazz Festival returns for love
A quick preview of the Seattle Women in Jazz Festival.
Weekly E-Book: The Verification Handbook
The European Journalism Centre release their book on how to sort rumour from news when it matters.
In the face of the sun: Black Like Us
Thoughts on Rachel Atkins’ play, Black Like Us, at Annex Theatre.
Weekly E-book: The Baum Plan for Financial Independence and Other Stories
Our weekly ebook feature brings you this collection of fantastical short stories from John Kessel.
The Ghastly Impermanence: BBC Audio Drama Awards, 2014 Edition
The BBC and their Audio Drama Awards continue to…do stuff.
Celebrating Seattle: Têt
The lunar new year brings us the well-known Chinese New Year, but the Vietnamese Têt celebrations are just as groovy.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Guided by Voices – A New Listener’s Guide to Audio Drama, Part 6
The Ghastly Impermanence returns. This time: the fine line between speech and song, and a digression into the outer limits.
Weekly E-book: The Pencil of Nature
This week’s e-book is a blast from the past, from the inventor of the photographic negative, William Henry Fox Talbot.
Celebrating Seattle: Adjacent, Against, Upon
A short tale about public art in Seattle by way of its very first commisioned piece, Michael Heizer’s immense sculpture.

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