The Death of Fotopedia: Another Narrative
Some thoughts about the failure of Fotopedia.
Fredric Wertham, Doctor
Omar Willey talks with comics scholar Leonard Rifas about the work of Fredric Wertham.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Return of the Repressed
Our audio drama column is back. Omar Willey assembles some thoughts on the matter.
No Damn Picture is Worth It: Time Stands Still
Omar Willey thinks about photojournalism and the bourgeois life, via Donald Margulies’ play.
The Cabiri in the Park
A short photo gallery of the Cabiri at work on their summer tour of local parks.
School’s Out
Remembering the truth of the sign in Left Bank Books, “If you liked school, you’ll love work,” Omar Willey looks back on the indoctrination process.
Tewaz Rising
There is darkness and silence. Then light, in waves, rippling through the ether. Three angels hover over the void. The light seems to reach upward, to form into tendrils that reach toward the watchers and draw them down. The whole mood is one of suspense, mystery, awe.
Preview: TEWAZ at Cornish Playhouse
With Part 1, Tewaz, opening this Friday, we go deeper into The Cabiri’s magnum opus, The Tea Trilogy. Bonus: more pictures.
Backstage on the Cabiri’s new show, Tewaz
Joe Iano and Omar Willey team up to take you backstage as The Cabiri prepare the most ambitious show in the history of Seattle’s aerial arts.
Don Juan in Chicago: Mortadell’arte
A quick review of the Arouet production.

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