Not All Who Are Lost Wander: On the Verge
Thoughts on the UW UTS production of Eric Overmyer’s play.
Holy Roughness: The Glas Nocturne
An overture of thoughts on Akropolis Performance Lab’s The Glas Nocturne.
La isla no tiene nada para nadie: José Amador talks about El Hijo Prodigo
And several butchers’ aprons.
The Mysteries of Chanticleer
Omar Willey gives his account of last Saturday’s Chanticleer concert at Town Hall.
Chanting Clear with Chanticleer
A preview of the upcoming Chanticleer concert.
Repsorp dna gnol evil: Unfixed Arias
Omar Willey enjoys himself at the latest Coriolis programme.
Splurge Land: Hollow Excess
Omar Willey regales you with his evening in Kate Wallich’s Splurge Land.
You Won’t Believe These 5 Other Innovative Uses for Bertha
We investigate what to do with Bertha once the tunnel project is finally cancelled.
We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About Race That Doesn’t Insult Your Intelligence
Omar Willey talks about race and stuff in Pony World’s latest presentation.

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