Commonality: Part Two – The Rule of Law
Part two of a series on the idea of a global commons. In which our publisher discusses another reason sharing fails: people do not respect the rule of law.
Forces Opposed: Lessons from PDX, Part 1
Omar Willey takes stock of his trip to PDX.
Commonality: Part One – Permissions Slip
Our publisher gets serious about the commons in this multi-part series. In Part one of the series, Omar Willey discusses why sharing fails among people.
Small Wonder: La Mélancolie des dragons
Philippe Quesne’s piece at On the Boards proposes naïveté as the basis of theatrical magic. Omar Willey considers.
In the Absence of the Feminine: Dance Like a Man
Omar Willey disserts on Pratidhwani’s production of Mahesh Dattani’s highly-respected play.
The Drama is Unbecoming Now: Six Characters in Search of an Author
Omar Willey muses on Seattle Theatre Works’ production of the Pirandello classic.
Hypnogogia, Community and the Night: The Cabiri’s Ezid
Thoughts on the Cabiri’s production of Ezid and contemporary mythmaking.
Big Choices, Fake Storefronts: Seattle Musical Theatre’s 1776
What if Seattle’s theater community is actually a Potemkin village? Omar Willey muses on Seattle Musical Theatre’s latest production.
Of Gods, Angels, Demons, and Giants: The Cabiri Open Ezid at Cornish Playhouse
Omar Willey gives a short preview of The Cabiri’s second part of their magnum opus, Ezid.
The Presumption of Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Back to polemics, Omar Willey muses on the absence of classics.

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