From the Publisher: Triskadekaphobia
The Star’s publisher wipes the blur from his eyes long enough to pen these latest thoughts about the upcoming year.
Gods Gave You Grace to Purge This Place: The Cabiri’s Vox Oraculus
Omar Willey returns to Cabiria and emerges with visions.
Encounters with Anonymous: Safety
Thoughts on anonymous photography by Omar Willey.
The Grand Illusion: 53% Of
Thoughts on whiteness and satire. Review by Omar Willey.
Between The Church and The Law: Ten Acrobats in an Amazing Leap of Faith
Omar Willey thinks about religion and theater — again.
The Only Place You Can Go Is Down: The Adding Machine
Thoughts on the UW’s recent production of the Elmer Rice play.
Intimations of Life: Rajiv Joseph’s Suresh Plays
Considerations of the music and the melodrama of Rajiv Joseph. Omar Willey writes.
The Price of Conscience: The Lower Depths
Omar Willey writes some stuff about the latest Seagull Project project.

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