Sunday Comics
¿Qué voy a hacer? Je ne sais pas. ¿Qué voy a hacer? Je ne sais plus. ¿Qué voy a hacer? Je suis perdu. ¡Sunday Comics, mi corazón!
Sunday Comics
See, I must look and laugh; inside this no head no tale — same water. No light, still day…Shagari himself say,
“the Sunday Comics country is collapsing.”
Sunday Comics
You wore white, smiling as you took my hand. So removed, you read Sunday Comics in France. Minutes passed with shallow words, years have passed and still the hurt — I can see you now, smiling as I pulled away.
Sunday Comics
I get it how I live it, I live it how I get it; read the Sunday Comics, fidget. I pull up with a lemon, not ’cause she ain’t livin’ — it’s just your eyes get acidic.
Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics, brings the dawning. It’s just a restless feeling by my side; Early dawning, Sunday Comics…It’s just the wasted years so close behind.
Sunday Comics
Mother chants her litany of boredom and frustration, but we know all Sunday Comicses are fake. Daddy only stares into the distance, there’s only so much more that he can take. (Many miles away something crawls from the slime at the bottom of a dark Scottish lake.)
Sunday Comics
Time pterodactyls over all the way I see, I notice fractals, clover, honey bee, that’s why I kinda cackle, it be funny, see, haha. I can’t imagine the hood in harmony, I mean, how can I read the Sunday Comics if he don’t read.
Sunday Comics
‘Sposed to get up for work and ride on through, but last week he paid me with a IOU. I get to work at 9, if he don’t pay me by 5, I’mma burn the place down by 5:02. Cause when we give ’em all of our Sunday Comics, they stack chips on the knot, we get pissed on a lot; we need a twist on the plot…
Sunday Comics
It’s all good news now, because we left the taps running for a hundred years. So drink into the drink, plastic cup drink. Read Sunday Comics with the people, the plastic eating people still connected to the moment it began.
Sunday Comics
They got that crazed look in their eyes (Read the Sunday Comics)/Everybody’s in a trance, because the brainwash is in high tide (Read the Sunday Comics) You can tell when they dance.
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