An Informed Electorate
On the premise of an informed electorate rests the foundation of democracy. Jon Ravenscroft plays Winston Churchill in this piece about what constitutes information.
…and in the news…
Protest meets martial law fashion. Poetry by Jon Ravenscroft.
dear doctor
Jon Ravenscroft returns to Rain City with this latest bit of fiction.
mirror in the bathroom – part one…
The Ra1n C1ty diary continues. Fiction by Jon Ravenscroft.
sing to me this corrosion, part two
Fiction from Raintown by Jon Ravenscroft.
Prop 1: Arguments against Democracy
Jon Ravenscroft summarizes his dissent in this short op-ed about the failed Proposition 1 transit vote.
sing this corrosion to me, part one
Fiction by Jon Ravenscroft.
Seattle Citizens Seize Initiative, Execute Tim Eyman
Well-known conservative activist and self-styled initiative thing Tim Eyman experienced the effects of citizen action first-hand today.
This is where it begins…
We begin a new fictional serial, courtesy of Jon Ravenscroft.

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