Ambition Is Bullshit
John Roderick wants to be a Seattle City Councilcritter. Jeff Stevens wants you to beware of Roderick’s nascent municipal ambition.
April 19, 1967: Stokely at Garfield
Among truly historic public speeches in Seattle, Stokely Carmichael’s 1967 appearance here was clearly catalytic. Jeff Stevens brings the radical Black Seattle history at the Star.
April 1, 2016: A Seattle You Can Believe In
We never knew Paul Allen had it in him.
Race War Breaks Out in Ballard
Seattle was flummoxed yesterday when Ballard, once a celebratedly mellow Scandinavian-American enclave, suddenly and swiftly succumbed to a savage and bloody internecine race war. Jeff Stevens reports.
Restaurant Review: Ultimate Hipster Tacos
Seattle foodies, weep no more. Local highbrow hipster cuisine has now achieved its ultimate zenith and/or nadir. You’ve been warned.
2015 Elections: No More Doormats
This year’s Seattle City Council elections promise to be a true civic game-changer — especially with respect to economic justice. Jeff Stevens considers the nature of the game.
Tom Rasmussen’s Folly
Seattle City Council member Tom Rasmussen has now officially declined to run for re-election this year. His ardent support for the deep-bore tunnel apparently had nothing to do with his decision. Jeff Stevens retorts.
The Year of Tunneling Ineptly
It’s official: Bertha has now been stuck underneath Seattle for an entire year — and the situation just got worse. Jeff Stevens brings the latest update on the ongoing Bertha fiasco.
Farewell to Nowhere
The Ramps to Nowhere are finally going away. Jeff Stevens bids farewell to Seattle’s longtime monument to successful citizen activism.
November 13, 1973: Shelly’s Leg
Jeff Stevens brings you the story of the legendary Shelly’s Leg.
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