Seattle Children’s A Single Shard: A Mature and Sweeping Epic for Kids
John Allis takes in the adaptation of A Single Shard, the award winning book for children currently in production at Seattle Children’s Theater.
Ghost Light Theatricals’ Freak Storm
Playwright Don Fleming has put a very Washingtonian spin on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Setting his adaptation, Freak Storm, in the Cascade mountains, replacing Caliban with Sesquath (yes, like ‘Sasquatch’), and exploring modern concerns for issues of environmental sustainability and stewardship of nature, the dramatist has taken a number of liberties in regionalizing and reframing the famous story while, for the most part, preserving the dramatic framework of the source material.
The Young Man from Atlanta at Stone Soup Theater
John Allis discusses the Seattle Premiere of Horton Foote’s 1995 play at Wallingford’s Stone Soup Theater.
Seattle Repertory’s I Am My Own Wife: Fascinating, Confounding Persona
John Allis weighs in on the Seattle Rep production that celebrates and explores one of Germany’s most notorious figures in I Am My Own Wife.
Theater 9/12’s A Shade of Green: A Well Written Play Performed With Integrity
John Allis attends the world premiere production of Charles Waxberg’s A Shade of Green at Theater 9/12, and comes back praising every element highly.
Cocktails at the Centre of the Earth at Annex Theatre: Rollicking, Yet Empty, Times
John Allis takes in Annex’s Cocktails at the Centre of the Earth, and while it is every bit the zany, madcap, pun-filled steampunk romp it promises to be, there’s not much else there.
Theater Schmeater’s Cradle and All: Kvelling Up Baby
John Allis takes in Theater Schmeater’s current production of Daniel Goldfarb’s Cradle and All, and while there is much to recommend about the production, the text upon which the production rests leaves something to be desired.
Macha Monkey’s Thebes at ToJ
Change is afoot in the very small town of Thebes as it approaches its mayoral election. There Mary Johnston, a Christian woman emanating down-home manners of social and moral pragmatism and poise, is seeking office against Joe, the incumbent candidate with whom she shares both an affection and some personal history.

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