Theater Schmeater’s Parallel Lives: Two Great Performers and…
The Kathy & Mo Show: Parallel Lives, currently being produced by Theater Scmeater, was written by Kathy Najimy and Mo Gaffney back in 1989, which makes the play old enough to be considered a chestnut. This presents an insurmountable hurdle in providing anything but an empty frivolity.
Interview with David Nixon: Local Musician, Philosophy Teacher, and Director of Bladfold
José Amador talks with David Nixon, of the band “Awesome”, The Half Brothers and philosophy teacher at the University of Washington’s Bothell campus, about Bladfold, Nixon latest cinematic effort. The interview includes images and links to music from the film, as well as the movie The Shelf, Nixon’s animated film debut.
Interview With Lyam White, Creator/Instigator of the UMO Ensemble’s Maldoror: The Birth of a Villain
José Amador sits down with the UMO Ensemble’s Lyam White in order to discuss the ensemble company’s latest project, an adaptation of Lautremont’s late-19th Century proto-surrealist work, Les Chants de Maldoror.
Azeotrope’s Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train at ACT: Solid Execution, Performance and Style; Iffy Substance
New York playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis’ star has been firmly on the rise for the last 12 years or so. His first five…
Gesamtkunstwerk’s Frozen at boom! Theater: The Case for Raw Theater
José Amador takes in Gesamtkunstwerk’s production of Frozen, which, in turn, provides a much needed argument for theater created out of a desire to create, not merely entertain.
The Idea of the Unknown: An Interview with Northwest New Work’s Vanessa deWolf
José Amador sat down with deWolf to discuss her project for NWNW, Score for an Unrehearsed Ensemble, and define her usage of the word “score”, figure out the first impulses behind her latest project, and compare the act of performative improvisation to following a meatloaf recipe.
SIFF Review: Bonsái dir. Cristián Jiménez (Chile, 2011)
Cristián Jiménez’s Bonsái is a quiet and literate exploration of young love, the nature of nostalgia, and the way that lies and fictions are wrapped up in emotion. Jose Amador shares his impressions of the movie, that is also a selection at this year’s SIFF.
Arouet’s The House of Bernarda Alba: Spanish Theater 101
Despite having a sizable Latino population in Seattle, it isn’t often you see theater that originated from Spanish-speaking countries or playwrights. Arouet Productions has mounted one of Federico Garcia Lorca’s most well known plays, and José Amador checked it out; he brings you the details inside.
Cafe Nordo’s Cabinet of Curiosities: Dinner & Atmospherics
Cafe Nordo’s Cabinet of Curiosities has overtaken Capitol Hill’s/Central District’s Washington Hall, serving an enjoyable mix of food and moody atmosphere. José Amador took in the proceedings and found an evening that pleases on many levels.
Pony World’s Big Story Small at Theater Off Jackson: Concentrated Dramatics
The idea behind Pony World Theatre’s Big Story Small, which runs this weekend only in the ID’s Theater Off Jackson, is pretty ingenious: Take a classic work and condense it to fit under 10 minutes; collect a number of these, assemble a production team for each play, and then present it to an audience. Jose Amador went to see an early preview, and found it to be pretty enjoyable.

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