Is She Dead Yet? at Annex Theater (dir. Brandon J Simmons)
José Amador on the controversial comedy taking place at Annex Theatre.
Connecting The #FeelTheBern Crowd With #BlackLivesMatter Supporters, If That’s Your Thing
José Amador spent the weekend engaging both sides off the Sanders/#BlackLivesMatter scuffle and came away with numerous observations.
An Interview with the Creative Nucleus Behind Fail Better
Jose Amador interviews the creative crew behind UMO’s Fail Better.
Starbucks: #RaceTogether Successful In Many US Branches
According to a new statement released by the Seattle coffee giant, the campaign may have done more for progress in race relations than people thought possible.
Psst, The Seattle Fringe Theater Festival Is Here Again
José Amador takes a look at the recently revived Seattle Fringe Theater Festival, now in its third year, muses on what the Fest needs to further thrive and previews a handful of shows.
Go To The Seattle Fringe, Please!
Aimée Bruneau’s impassioned plea to artists and audiences alike to attend the 2014 Seattle Fringe Theater Festival.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 25, 2014
The summertime productions do not stop rolling in, despite all of the recent controversy surrounding local productions, in particular, the Dance scene comes on strong this week after a seemingly quiet interlude. José Amador leads you through the numerous offerings.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 18, 2014
This weekend brings a show business farce, a political solo show, and music for your dining pleasure among the usual mix of improv, comedy and theater.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 11, 2014
With temperatures already reaching the upper 80’s
in early July, we have every indication that the proverbial dog days of Summer will be a lengthy period this year. There won’t be a shortage of entertainment options, however, and this weekend provides Shakespeare galore, Serge Gainsbourg inspired dance, improv based on the mob genre and more. José Amador leads you through it all
This Week in Performance: Week of June 25, 2014
Summer has broken, as Yusuf Islam might have it, and José Amador guides you through the week’s entertainment options.

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