Free Thing of the Week: Música Lliure
We reach back into the past to save this fine compilation from obscurity and offer it to you as our Free Thing of the Week: the groundbreaking Catalan music compilation Música Lliure.
Free Thing of the Week: Save Gaza Compilation
We bring you music from free artists for a free Gaza in this week’s Free Thing.
Free Thing of the Week: The Wired CD
Free Thing returns this week with a throwback to the early days of the copyright wars.
Free Thing of the Week: Seattle Star Creative Commons Jazz Mixtape #5
We bring you a fifth of your favorite drink: a cocktail brew of Creative Commons-licensed jazz from around the world.
Free Thing of the Week: Rhinoceros
Another Free Thing for the week, this beautiful Jan Lenica animation of Ionesco’s play Rhinoceros.
Facing the Tests of Tolerance: Letter from Egypt
A tale of hope and tolerance from the Christian-Muslim-Christian land of Egypt. I.M. Fletcher writes.
Brotherly Nations or Family Feud—The Qatar Crisis Explained
Our correspondent in the Middle East gets down and dirty about Qatar and its neighbors.
Caught Red Fisted: Tim Eyman Uses Wooden Slugs At Fantasy Unltd
Mere months after attempting to abscond with an office chair without paying for it, Tim Eyman is once again accused of trying to obtain services for nothing.
Can White People Ever Be Relevant Again?
In the spirit of City Arts, we bring you more hard-hitting aesthetic judgment, this from I.M. Fletcher.
Chess v. Checkers, and Other Diplomatic Dances
In the game of Middle Eastern strategy, one must learn to distinguish between the checkers and the chess players. I.M. Fletcher writes.

Except where otherwise noted, the content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.