Research Nirvana: The Generosity Edition
Hilda Bastian discusses why generosity is part of nirvana.
Unsnarling the Complexity of Naming and Shaming
Hilda Bastian explores the renaissance of public shaming in all its facets.
Wikipedia Activism and Diversity in Science
Restoring women and minorities to the history of science requires activism–Wikipedia activism. Hilda Bastian does the heavy lifting.
Open Access 2015: A Year Access Negotiators Edged Closer to the Brink
Hilda Bastian rounds up the story of open access vs greed from 2015. Result: greed still wins, but strides are being made.
Curiosity to Scrutiny: The Early Days of Science Journalism
Popularizing science has always had its perils. Hilda Bastian contemplates the early years of science journalism.
The Mess That Trials Stopped Early Can Leave Behind
Rumor has it that it pays to be thorough with all those clinical trials. Hilda Bastian contemplates.
Study Report, Study Reality, and the Gap Between
We take mental shortcuts about research reports. Hilda Bastian muses on the reality of studies.
Good to Know: Which Websites Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression?
Hilda Bastian hips you to the latest.
7 Tips for Women at Science Conferences
Equal respect for women and other non-dominant groups shouldn’t be a touchy subject: it should be a given. Science is international and it has developed many distinct cultural norms for itself. The presence of women is one of them. Hilda Bastian writes.

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