Promising Young Women, Tonight at Elliott Bay
Promising Young Women by Suzanne Scanlon is a tiny book — in stature, I mean. A little square of pages and text bound together. But the story inside about Lizzie, that slowly comes together piece by piece, is so big that it enfolds us all.
Natalie Diaz: Meth, Mistakes & Mischievous Barbies
Diaz’s well-crafted verse and rich language evoke the familiar themes of death, deception, festivity and family. Her meth-head brother is brought up often in her poetry—especially in regards to how his addiction breaks down their parents. Both bit by bit and in giant, violent pieces.
Ellen Forney, Marbles & Me
By now you’ve most certainly heard about Ellen Forney’s immense talent and infinite heart illustrated in her graphic memoir Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, & Me, an artwork documenting her struggle with mental illness. The publication offers beautiful illustrations of the author’s endless quest to become the best writer, artist and human that she can be.
Priscilla Stuckey Kisses Foxes
Though Stuckey has always been a nature lover, the point in the book where everything seems to truly begin is when she first sees a bald eagle on Lopez Island, at an especially dark period in her life. After searching fruitlessly for days, right as she’s about to leave the island the eagle seems to sense her need and comes right to her—circling her car, seemingly responding to her call. From this point forth Stuckey’s focus shifts to direct and personal communication with nature.
My Night at Trainwreck: A Celebration of Bad Celebrity Memoir
Yesterday evening while you may have been relaxing at the beach, or sipping a chilly margarita on some shady porch, Heather Logue was helping the children by perspiring her face off in the sweaty JewelBox Theatre and laughing at the unfortunate choices some celebrities have made—both in life, and in word usage.
Tonight at Elliott Bay Books: Bruce Holbert Reads From His Lonesome Animals
There is something soothing about a novel—the way that it can transport you from an often traumatizing, confusing world into one where boundaries,…
A Few Clumsy Words about Jeffrey Brown
When I first moved to Boston from Seattle in my early twenties, I was filled with confusion, excitement, and the terrifying thought that I had no idea what I was doing when it came to relationships, jobs and the other mysterious workings of the world. Around that time my good friend Laura introduced me to Brown’s first graphic novel, Clumsy. In his book, Brown so realistically painted a portrait of young love–in all of its awkwardness, earnestness and blind idealism–that it all felt immediately familiar.
At STIFF: This Is How I Roll
Direct from the creative minds of New York filmmakers Kat Vecchio and Joe Mihalchick is This Is How I Roll—a fresh STIFF documentary depicting men who actually strive to skate, hit and dominate just like the ladies.
Carol Guess Delves into Doll Forensics
Though Carol Guess has been in the lit world for some time, her latest project Doll Studies: Forensics immediately grabbed my attention because of the unique subject matter. It isn’t every day you stumble upon a book of prose poetry that focuses on 18 dioramas of actual crime scenes…
The Off Hours Winter Reading: Booze, Babes and Biting Words
Our literary maven, Heather Logue, went to The Off Hours’ Winter Reading on Thursday night, and lived to tell about it…

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