Space Alien Reveals Trump Romp!
Gary Corseri is visited by aliens who have Trump sex tapes…or something.
The US Needs “Eureka!” Moments: On Vetting, Displacement, Discernment, and Integration
Gary Corseri returns to The Star with this piece on how to use your built-in crap detector on the political sloganeering of today.
Modern “Politics”: And They Tell Me Not To Spell Out “Sh*t”!
Poetry by Gary Corseri.
Art for Art’s Sake…and Cutting Thru
Poetry by Gary Corseri.
Fake History, Fake News, JFK, and Setting the Record Straight with Vince Salandria and Paul Kurtz
Gary Corseri brings you some thoughts after listening to Warren Commission skeptic and scholar Vince Salandria.
The Strange and Curious Case of “Politicianitis”
Gary Corseri returns with a tale about gasbags, religious sport, and the alternate reality we call America.
The Russians Are Hacking My Poems!
Poetry by Gary Corseri that may or may not strike one as satire…
Dialoguing with Johan Galtung: On Peace and Ukraine; Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and…
[media-credit name=”Kurious” link=”” align=”alignnone” width=”660″][/media-credit] Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (from “The Sermon on…
How Do We “Package” Peace? Can We Make It Palatable? A Review of Peace Plays
Can peace come off the shelf? Gary Corseri reviews Peace Plays by Johan Galtung, Vitahl Rajan, and S. P. Udayakumar.
Uncle “Sham” Says “Dance!” …and the Band Plays On…
Gary Corseri returns to the Star’s pages with his latest meditation on war, peace, and patriotic media hokum.

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