Trade: It’s About Class, Not Country
Talk about tariffs and free trade isn’t a nationalist issue. It’s a class issue. Dean Baker reports.
Can Anything Bring CEO Pay Back Down to Earth?
If America truly wants to reverse soaring income inequality, curbing CEO pay has to be on the agenda. Dean Baker explains.
Making Finance Pay
On getting your government to work for you instead of for lobbyists and politicos. Dean Baker writes.
High CEO Pay: It’s What Friends Are For
CEOs make 200-500 times as much as their workers. Why? Hint: it ain’t because they’re so valuable. Dean Baker reports.
Steel Tariffs and Doctors: A Teachable Moment
Dean Baker takes another tack on tariffs: What if the medical profession was “free trade”?
The Continuing Attack on Workers’ Rights: The Janus Case
Dean Baker surveys the latest legal attack on unions and workers’ rights.
Jeff Bezos’ Quest To Find America’s Stupidest Mayor
Whichever mayor wins the Amazon lottery, the city will lose. Dean Baker writes.
Republicans Don’t Understand: Tax Cuts Don’t Spur Economic Growth
Contrary to what the President might say, tax cuts for corporations have not led to investment in America, and low taxes have never led to growth. So why continue the ruse? Dean Baker writes.
Tesla, Amazon, and Bitcoin
Dean Baker talks about bubbles, baseless valuations, and the stock market version of vaporware.
Diverting Class Warfare into Generational Warfare: Round LVIII
Dean Baker exposes the myth of “entitlements” and “grandparents stealing from grandchildren” for what it is: class warfare.
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