Saving Journalism Will Require Some New Thinking
There is a way to take journalism beyond the decaying advertising model, but it’s going to require some new ideas. Dean Baker writes.
Debt and Deficit in the Time of Coronavirus
What is a deficit, really? Dean Baker drops some science on you.
We Shouldn’t Have to Beg Mark Zuckerberg to Respect Democracy
Facebook has moved away from being a common carrier to being a media company. Why don’t we treat it like one? Dean Baker writes.
The Left Becomes Center: Financial Transactions Taxes and Beyond
Eventually sensible people change debates over economic policy, as those who finally fall in line last take the credit. Dean Baker writes.
The Persistence of Horrible Economic Reporting: They Just Don’t Care
If the top journalists completely fail to protect the truth, and no one cares, why do we have journalists? Dean Baker writes.
Should We Have Billionaires?
Behind the philosophical question of whether or not there should be billionaires, a more immediate question lurks. Dean Baker writes.
Dean Baker’s thoughts on the new NAFTA agreement — which sounds a lot like the old NAFTA agreement.
The Financial Industry Preys Upon 401 (k) Fees
Dean Baker considers the failure of the 401 (k) to compensate for diminishing pensions.
Why Aren’t Democrats Talking About Ending Patent-Financed Drug Research?
Americans will spend more than $460B on prescription drugs in 2019. This could easily be reduced to $80B, so why don’t Democrats get with the program? Dean Baker writes.
The US Labor Market is Deteriorating for Black Men
While the unemployment rate falls across the nation, unemployment for Black men rises. Why? Dean Baker examines.

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