The Coronavirus Vaccine Fail and International Elites
Concerning the global failure to reach the working class with vaccines. Dean Baker writes.
Vaccines, Vaccines, Vaccines – Why Doesn’t Everyone Have One or Two?
Preparation is clearly not the American way, even when people are dying. Dean Baker writes.
Waiting for a Vaccine and the Collaborative Research Alternative
America’s intellectual property laws and its jingoism are in the way of vaccine development. Dean Baker writes.
Are Corporate CEOs Worth $20 Million?
If CEOs pay has nothing to do with returns to shareholders, why are they making $20 million? Dean Baker writes.
More Thoughts on the Post-Pandemic Economy
Money doesn’t measure the health of an economy — or a society. Dean Baker writes.
Combatting the Political Power of the Rich: Wealth Taxes and Seattle Election Vouchers
Thoughts from Dean Baker.
More Thoughts on the Recession, Stimulus, and Recovery
Thoughts on the economic near-future of the nation. Dean Baker writes.
Government-Granted Patent Monopolies and Structural Racism
Dean Baker thinks about a subtle form of structural racism: wages in the medical profession.
In Defense of the Fed’s Bailout
Dean Baker turns over a new leaf and actually supports a federal bailout.
The Sure Way to End Concerns About China’s “Theft” of a Vaccine: Make it Open Source
Why are US media so concerned that a “stolen” vaccine will cure hundreds of thousands of people? Answer: money. Dean Baker writes.

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