Here’s What Happens When a Handful of Developers Control the Housing Market
Oligopoly is good for business, but is it good for you? Daniel Herriges writes.
Making Room in the New Seattle
Seattle needs to become a city where every affordable home isn’t a battle. And it can’t just be in other people’s neighborhoods. Daniel Herriges writes.
Your City isn’t Changing Nearly As Fast As You Think
Even in Seattle and Austin, cities don’t change nearly as fast as people think. Daniel Herriges writes.
Building Design Requirements Should Be Reformed, Not Abolished
The solution to poor regulation in Arkansas is unregulation. Bad idea. Daniel Herriges writes.
The Good and Bad of a Proposed Minimum-Density Housing Bill in Washington State
We have to do something about the ridiculous price of housing in the Puget Sound region. But is Sen. Palumbo’s proposal the answer?

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