As Opioid Epidemic Continues, Steps to Curb It Multiply
The overdose death toll from opioids has almost quadrupled since 1999. Charles Ornstein investigates ways to curb the trend.
40 Years After Vietnam, Blue Water Navy Vets Still Fighting for Agent Orange Compensation
Though most didn’t step foot in Vietnam, some 90,000 Navy vets who served offshore may have been exposed to the chemical brew and seek benefits. The battle is playing out in the courts and in Congress. It boils down to a comma.
A Pharma Payment A Day Keeps Docs’ Finances Okay
Massive amounts of money trade hands in “dollars for doctors” payolas across the country. Charles Ornstein and Ryann Grochowski Jones report.
May It Displease the Court: Race and Justice Sotomayor
A book on Justice Sotomayor reveals the bruising backstory to the Texas affirmative action case set to be heard again this fall. An interview with the author, Joan Biskupic.
Government Releases Massive Trove of Data on Doctors’ Prescribing Patterns
Medicare did little to find dangerous prescribing by doctors to seniors and the disabled. Now the government are looking for transparency. ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein reports.
Mark Cuban’s Advice a “Recipe For Making All Of Us Sick,” Expert Says
The Dallas Mavericks owner suggests quarterly bloodwork for those who can afford it, as a way of creating a personal benchmark. A national expert on overtesting explains why that isn’t a good idea.
Analysis: Government’s New Doctor Payments Website Worthy of a Recall
Charles Ornstein gives you a look at just how well the new Open Payments system is working out for you and other Americans.

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